breathe - connect- smile

your East Vancouver Yoga Studio

Drop-In Class Schedule

Class Styles

A slower paced class that is great for all-levels, including beginners. You will move through a series of asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathing practices) to help you feel balanced and rejuvenated!

The slowest pace of all of our classes, yin yoga focuses on long holds in positions with minimal muscular engagement so that you move the stretching beyond the muscles and into the fascia and connective tissue to invite gentle releases. Wonderful for those who feel like they are always stiff + tight!

Power and Vinyasa (meaning to flow with breath) are more challenging yoga classes focusing on quicker movements, longer pose holds, and working toward more advanced asanas. We recommend taking at least a few hatha classes before tackling a Power Yoga class. 

In these classes, the focus is on muscular engagement inspired by yoga and pilates to help bring balance to the stretching you experience in these classes. If you are looking for a workout, one of these classes will be the one for you and is great to mix in with your "regular" yoga practice throughout the week. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have one, we welcome you to bring it with you. If not, we have you covered with many beautiful Halfmoon/B Yoga Mats on hand for you to borrow. 

We ask that you plan to arrive 5-15 minutes before your class to leave time for you to get parked and settled. We have a lovely waiting area, tea and water to sip on, and you are welcome to get set-up in the studio and unwind. To honour the comfort and relaxation, we do not allow late entry to classes, so please plan on being a bit early so that you don't have to miss out on your class!

We have a 6-hour cancellation policy to ensure we can have space for all that want to attend our classes. Our teachers take a lot of their own time to prep their classes and we want to honour their time and effort to make sure the are able to prepare effectively for each class. Thank you for your understanding! 

Let's be Friends!

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